10 Digital Payment Options for Your Business

Digital transaction is getting more and more popular by the day, particularly in terms of sending and receiving payments. Square and PayPal are most commonly used, but there are other digital payment options that small business owners can use in accepting payments from clients and customers.

When choosing the right payment options to adapt, it’s important to consider which service perfectly suits the needs of the company.

Various Digital Payment Options

1. PayPal

By integrating PayPal Checkout buttons, your customers can easily access PayPal gateway to your site. PayPal charges minimal fee, but the rates reduce when the sales volume is higher.

2. Square

Aside from allowing the business owner to receive and send payments, Square also provides a credit card reader.

3. Checkout By Amazon

One of the web-based payment processing options that allow accepting online and digital payments from customers is the Checkout by Amazon. All you have to do is to sign up for an Amazon account and integrate the code on your website; thus, you can use Checkout in completing payments.

4. Stripe

The Checkout codes of Stripe are designed to lead your customers directly to your site. Embed the payment form of Stripe into your site so that you’ll be able to accept payments from customers.

5. Dwolla

This online bill payment option allows sending and receiving money via email. The transaction fee is lower as compared to other payment options. It also offers free transfers from your bank account.

6. PayStand

This is perfect for small businesses as it does not charge any transaction fees. However, business owners can apply for flat monthly fees to enjoy accepting different forms of payments from e-cash, foreign monies, e-checks, credit cards and Bitcoins. Transactions can be completed directly on your site as long as the product codes are embedded in your emails or website.

7. Merchant Warehouse

Small business owners can accept payments in various ways. It’s because this digital payment option offers web-based payment processing system linked to your site. It also features different POS devices that can accept various payment methods, such as money from Google Wallet.

8. Flint

This is a sort of online mobile payment app designed for small businesses. It does not require plugging in a card reader into your devices. By just scanning the credit card number of your customer along with some details to input, transactions can be completed smoothly.

9. Braintree

It allows accepting credit card payments on your mobile app or your website. You can also set up other transactions such as recurring payments from your clients. All you need is to add Braintree to your site, and you’re good to go.

10. Authorize.net

There are several choices for accepting payments if you’ll use Authorize.net. However, make sure to hire a professional to add this service to your site along with other features such as HTML codes that can be used for processing payments.

Small online businesses should consider using any of those digital payment options in making electronic sales. They allow collecting payments throughout the world at the comfort of your office or home.

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