June 2017

If Your Customer Service Department Aren’t Providing Real Time Online Support Then They Aren’t Doing Their Job

It used to be a nice added extra. Something that would be pitched by the customer service managers at a budget meeting, but essentially taken out of the final proposal because of budget restrictions. It’s called real-time online support. And if you have been to a strong retailer’s website in recent times you have likely seen it offered. It’s the small box at the bottom of your screen on a number of websites that offers you online help.

While you might be forgiven for thinking that this was simply a bot, it is, in fact, a real person. And if you type to them; they type back. In real time. If you type your concern, a real person will respond promptly and have direct access to the areas of the business needed to resolve your query.

Whether it’s large companies that offer a range of household items like the Groupon Coupons page for Soft Surroundings or smaller franchise businesses like your local pizza store, the most common questions asked by management teams all share a common root. What benefit does it bring to the business?

The short answer – the ability to resolve a customer’s problem before they make it public.

Imagine this scenario:

You are sitting at your computer and your cell phone service stops working. Given that you can’t access many of its services, you turn to your computer.

The first thing that you do is visit the website of your cell service provider. You have the option to send them a tweet or leave a comment on their wall and wait for somebody to get around to your comment.

It is this wait that gets businesses into trouble. You see, you’re already angry at your phone service not working, and now you need to wait until you can have the problem addressed.

While waiting for a reply to come in, you take to social media to express your disgust in the always failing service. Whether it is like this or not, a social media rant is just that, a rant. And they are powerful. Soon people start to catch on and one slight problem with a friend’s service eight months ago snowballs into a hashtag and your marketing team are going into damage control. All because of a simple wait time.

Now, imagine the same scenario, however, instead of sending a tweet or message and waiting, you receive an immediate response. Furthermore, the response is from a real person who has access to your account and the business at large.

As you type to this person, they are working behind the scenes to resolve your concerns. And within the same time that it would take you to receive a reply to your tweet or comment, the problem has been solved, with a small thank you credit added to your next bill.

The difference between the two scenarios is the wait. Without the wait, the customer doesn’t have that chance to vent their anger to the world. Sure, they may vent it to the customer service agent, but the more that the angry customer types to them, the less they are typing to the world and the more time that the agent actually has to resolve the query or concern.

For business owners and their reputations, real-time online support is no longer a nicety. It’s a necessity.

How to Run a Winning Political Campaign

Politicians need to be elected in order to get into office. This means that they must convince voters that they are the most qualified candidate for that particular job. This can be a very difficult thing to do. Do you want to attempt to win an election and get into public office someday? If this is the case, you will need to know all of the ins and outs of running a great political campaign that gets the word out to the public about your beliefs and values. This will attract the attention of voters who agree with your platform. Here are the things you need to know in order to run a political campaign that will help you get elected.

  1. Make online, radio and TV ads that make your views clear to potential voters.

Advertising is a critical component of any political campaign. You must take a lot of time deciding what each of your ads will say. Some ads can turn off voters depending on how they are worded. You also might want to create some attack ads that criticize your opponents. This is up to you. However, you should be aware that many people do not like attack ads. You might end up losing some voters if your attack ads are too harsh. You might want to hire the services of a professional company that specializes in making campaign commercials for politicians.

  1. Choose a very experienced and qualified campaign manager.

You will not be able to be in charge of every aspect of your campaign. You will have many responsibilities that you will need to focus on. Therefore, you will need to hire a campaign manager to oversee your campaign’s daily operations. Ideally, you should only hire a person who has managed many other political campaigns in the past. Experience is critical when it comes to finding someone to be in charge of your campaign. You need to find someone who has been in many different situations. This will mean that your campaign manager will be able to react properly if something unexpected happens. Mike Crapo has always been very careful about who he chooses to be his campaign manager. Mike Crapo only hires people who have been running campaigns for many years.

  1. Make sure that you are properly prepared for all of your debates.

There are many people who decide how they will cast their votes by watching the debates. This means that you need to spend a great deal of time practicing by holding mock debates. These will help you to prepare for the questions that you will most likely be asked by the debate moderator. You will also be able to handle any of the attacks from your opponent. People who do not spend enough time preparing for debates will often look foolish in front of many potential voters. This is not a position you should put yourself in.



  1. Figure out what your campaign platform will be.

You need to have a very clearly defined platform so that voters have a complete understanding about your opinions regarding the issues that impact them. Your platform will need to be ironed out before you can begin to create any commercials to promote your candidacy.


Toolkit To Build Your Business’ Online Profile

Over the last 20 years, the internet has slowly but surely changed the way in which almost every business on the planet operates. The consumer has changed with the times and in this modern day, a business without an online profile is one which is losing out on a massive opportunity to build something extremely successful. Anyone who is looking to compete in the world of business simply must have a n internet profile and if you are looking to build one for your company then here are some tips on helping you do exactly that.


The first place to start is to build a website, if you are not technically gifted then do not worry, there are lots of options out there for you. Firstly, the reason that it is important that you have a website for your business is because this is your online shop window and where all customers will be introduced to your business. You need to have a simple and clean looking website which is full of information about who you are, what you do and how you do it. When designing a website you can either pay a professional firm to do it, this may cost you a good chunk of money but the result will be worth it. Alternatively you could build your own, something which is far roe cost effective and nowhere near as tricky as you may think.

Check Out Your Status

You should look to hire some reputation management consultants before you begin to build your online profile as there may already be some content about your business online. A negative review or a slanderous comment online could do great damage to your business os ensure that you are on the front foot and have this fixed before exposing yourself online.

Social Media

The key to promoting your business lies in social media and if you can harness its potential, you can do great things for your business. Social media gives you access to a huge percentage of the market and it enables you to promote, engage, share and introduce new customers to your business. There are many social media channels which you could choose from and this will be dependent on what kind of business you have, and how you wish to promote it. A Facebook and Twitter page are going to be essential to your success so you should start here.

Review Sites

If you are selling products or offering services then you ought to consider registering your business to a number of review sites so that customers can have their say on what they thought about your company. This is a great way to gain more momentum and gain more customers as new customers will put their faith in those who have gone before them. If you are going to put yourself on review sites then you will need to ensure that your business is at the top of its game as a negative review could cause problems.

Online Advertising Options For Your Business

If your company is still spending money on traditional advertising methods such as posters or radio and newspaper advertising then it is time to stop and think about the many benefits which you can get if you place that money into digital marketing. Not only are digital marketing techniques more successful than their ancestors but they reach a far higher number of people, they can be measured far easier and they cost you a great deal less.


Let’s take a look then at what kind of options you have before you when it comes to online advertising.


Before You Start


Before you get started you need to ensure that your company has a strong online reputation or at least not a negative one. If you have some negative things written about you then all will you will be doing with digital marketing is shining a light on your shortcomings. Reputation management companies can help greatly in building, preserving or maintaining a strong online reputation and you should consider using them for this task, if you have any doubts then check out the reputationmanagementconsultants.com complaints and you will find that there are none there such is the quality of this service.




Let’s take a look at what options lay before you in the world of digital marketing:


– Search Engine Optimization


SEO marketing is a highly effective method of marketing which helps your business to land higher up the search engine when a customer types in a series of keywords. You can use this form of marketing to ensure that customers who are searching for a business like yours, can easily find you. If you end up on page 20 of a search engine when a customer types in a keyword pertaining to your business then you will never be seen, SEO can get you on the top pass however which ensure that you have full visibility.


– Social Media Campaign


Social media is about far more than sharing memes, uploading selfies and telling the world what you are up to, it is also access to the biggest share of the market for your business. A strong and creative ad campaign on the likes of Facebook and Twitter will ensure that your company is attracting a huge amount of customers in your demographic and will see very strong returns by way of increased sales.


– Promotional Marketing


this is a great marketing technique which sees you offer cut-priced products and services to new customers. This gives you a chance to impress customers who perhaps wouldn’t have used your business in the past and serves as a perfect introduction for future business.


These are just some of the fantastic and effective methods of digital marketing which your business can use to grow your online profile and ultimately, give your sales a huge boost. Don’t be discouraged if you only have a small budget as much of the digital marketing methods do not require huge budgets in order to be effective. Research well and go after that market!

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