How to change your blood color in PUBG

In PUBG the color of the blood can be changed from red to blue. The explanation for this is partly because the PUBG Corporation is a subsidiary of the South Korean game development firm Bluehole. In Korea, the government has banned violence in video games, so legally changing the color of the blood to blue is a form of censorship. 

Another reason is that some players concentrate on the blood around the opponent while shooting to change the shot, so setting a convenient blood color will improve your target ‘s accuracy significantly and boost the overall success level in the PUBG game.

You will need to open the game client to adjust the blood color in PUBG, go to “Settings,” go to the “Game Process” tab and select the “Color Blindness Mode” element. Four options for PUBG blood color are available as of 2020:

Normal (red colour) 

Deuteranopia, (violet). In deuteranopia mode, you can shift the blood to a purplish-red. This color is poorly visible on PUBG maps, and is not recommended for normal vision players.

Tritanopia (violet) 

Tritanopia is PUBG streamers’ choice, the blood is bright purple. This helps you to alter the shooting strategy, since the toxic “purple cloud” is noticeable even when fired from 600 meters, which can help you adjust target fire.

Protanopia (blue)

Activation of the protanopia will make it possible to make blue blood. The visibility of this color is average, not for everybody.

Professional players and streamers quickly realized that this monitor choice suited them, as changing blood color helps to shoot PUBG more effectively. In fact, the zone wave color changes, and the blood itself. So, you can select the most convenient alternative by playing with the blood color settings.

There is also bright green blood in PUBG, it came to us from Chinese servers. In fact, in games, it is in the Celestial Empire that one can not show red blood. So PUBG Corp has invented such a basic “crutch.” But because this green (turquoise) blood is too visible it was modified not too long ago, dimming the light greatly. You can turn the green blood color on by following these steps: 

  • Right-click on the PUBG game launch shortcut, click on “Properties”
  • “General” item, select “Launch options”
  • Enter the parameter in the launch shortcut: “-koreanrating”
  •  Save and run the game client

Although many users think that using a different blood color is equal to cheating, it’s still god to look at this from both sides. The different blood color allows you to play more efficiently and excel your gameplay to a whole new level. And for some people this would be a wonderful esthetic experience. Either way, good luck on the battlefield!

Click here to read more.

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