Networking Skills for Women

To Speak Is to Be Human

To speak is to be human and it is one of our greatest gifts. Communication is the key to advancing at every level of life. Many people fear networking, small talk, and letting people know who they are and what they do. It is our belief that we simply frame these things completely wrong, and that is where a lot of anxiety comes from. In this article, we will give you some ideas about overcoming your fear of networking and business development. This is a very important skill that you must master to become truly one of the greats in your industry. What is awesome is that everyone who is likely reading this article has the ability to speak, they have the ability to connect with people, and they are people who have value.

Speaking While Female In Business

One of the biggest difficulties that women have in business is that they are often ignored. Women have a very unique style of speaking that is much different from men. We know that we live in a society that tells us that we are all the same, but that simply isn’t true. We are not all socialized the same way based on gender and sex, we don’t all have the same neural chemical makeup. There is a ton of data on the communication differences between men and women. More importantly, there’s a lot of information about how women are looked upon differently in the world of business. You can choose to see this as an immovable roadblock, or you can choose to see it as an obstacle that you are most specially created to overcome.

More Real Estate Business

Real estate is naturally one of the easiest businesses to navigate when it comes to networking. Real estate networking can be so beneficial to an agent or investor. Everyone needs a home, everyone eventually buys a place to live, and so many people can benefit from what you have to offer. One of the biggest things and worries that women often have is that they do not know their worth. In general, people who work in any type of sales environment do not take themselves seriously enough. They do not take it upon themselves with pride to say that they are a salesperson or a real estate agent. If they would take the opposite approach, they will find a much easier path to networking and finding new clients.

Networking Is Natural

Networking is just as easy as having any other type of conversation. It is how you frame these things that often make them a lot more difficult than they truly are. When you think of networking as this thing you have to do, when you make it represent something that is huge and mighty, you cannot help but have fear and anxiety around it. When you learn to treat networking like any other conversation, it becomes a lot easier. You quickly learn it is just like having any other conversation. Find people that are looking for what you have to share. If you’re looking for clients, just let as many people know what you are doing. If you want to find friends within your industry who could also help you, simply talk to them about what they have going on.

Take Interest

One of the biggest complaints that we hear when it comes to networking is that people simply do not know where to start. Women in business have very unique issues that other people do not have, so they always feel this tremendous gap between them and other people in the business world. When it comes to real estate, you have a lot in common with other real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and other ancillary positions that deal with your industry. By simply taking an interest in what other people around your industry are doing, you will find it quite easy to create a networking group.

Others Are Afraid

One of the most interesting things that people have to realize is that other people are just as afraid as you are. The majority of people do not know how to network, they do not know how to work a room, they do not know how to find mentors and allies. If you take it upon yourself to be the one who broaches these conversations, then you put yourself in the middle of all the action. Calling different women together, pulling men together who could potentially be allies, is a great way to get going. Simply working as a great middleman is one way to overcome the fear of networking.

Create a Team

One of the best things that a woman can do when it comes to networking is to create a team. There is power in numbers. Creating a team of other women that you work on your career skills with will take you a lot further than simply going it alone. Most importantly, simply getting active in the networking communities that you have in your area will help you tremendously.

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