Cost Per Transaction

Three Reasons Online Payment Solutions Help Small Businesses Stay Profitable

In today’s modern business world almost every business makes at least a portion of its income from the net. Whether you are a traditional bricks and mortar used book store listing your inventory on Abe’s Books or you make a bit of cash on the side selling vintage dolls on EBay, the net has become the new equalizer. But for any of these businesses you still need to have a method of payment. For some businesses it remains the check in the mail. That may work, but using online payment solutions that work with your site is faster, safer and for many customers the preferred method of payment. Here are just three reasons that having online payment solutions should be part of your small business plan.

Reduces the Cost Per Transaction

While there are indeed some free plug-ins that you can add to your website, these will often charge the website owner a fee for every transaction on the site. This can make the smaller impulse purchases the web is so good at selling an expensive proposition. A steep percentage of the price can add up quickly, often making it unprofitable to sell on the web at all.

Worse yet, if you are successful and your business grows, so will your cost of sales. While it may cost you some money up front to add in a professional online payment solution, the savings in the long term will be well worth it. Transaction fees will drop to the floor as your number of transactions increase, making your decision to move from a “free” service to a professional level one a smart investment for your business.

Better Features Mean Better Business Options

Many of the better online payment solutions you will see available are geared towards the business to business class of transactions. What this means for you, if your primary business is in this category, is a solution that is better tailored to your clients. Many of these payment solutions offer a wide array of options that can allow you to create a payment option that works for your clients and the way they do business.

Remember that anyone who primarily works in the B2B sphere is looking for a smoother and more professional interface to encourage that view of their business for their customers. Making it easy for your business clients to pay you directly through one of many professional grade online payment solutions can upgrade the look and feel of your business.

You Receive Top Customer Service with Online Payment Solutions

When you download that free online payment solution, you pretty much get what you paid for with it. Getting anyone to help you through a customer service call will be a futile gesture and one that will in the end only add to your frustration if you are having problems with it. On the other hand, most professional online payment solutions will offer a top notch customer service experience because you are their customer.

They will work with you to resolve any problems and keep your business looking top notch and totally professional. Nothing says amateur business like a broken link or unresponsive payment systems on your website. In the end, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. This is true when it comes to online payment solutions as much as it is in everything else.


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