4 Vital questions to ask before hiring an AdWords consultant for your company

Managing a website which is highly ranked might seem to be a full-time job for a company and it is often a demanding job. Perhaps this is the biggest reason behind so many companies hiring professionals who can take care of website management while you take care of all the other business values. Google AdWords, to be more particular, can be indeed time-consuming, more so if you’re not pretty acquainted with the platform and its ways. To make matters worse, if you have already set up an account with AdWords and then you’ve been ignoring it, you would probably been throwing your dollars away by not having your PPC campaign optimized properly.

When you hire a certified professional, they handle everything from planning to organization to maintenance and on-going optimization to ensure that your dollars are put to optimum use. Nevertheless, before hiring a person or a company and assigning them tasks, you should direct the following questions to them. Check out some vital queries to make to your prospective AdWords pro.

Question #1: Are you a certified professional with Google AdWords?

Remember that Google certification is given only when a person has passed his exams. Scores of 85% and above, warrant you a certificate from Google. Even members of Google Partners go through a quarterly training from Google to make sure their knowledge and skills are constantly refreshed and updated. Google exams have evolved over time to not only evaluate the technical side of Google but to also realize growth and profits from a blog or website.

Question #2: How often should I get reports from you?

Majority of the AdWords consultants offer reports once in a month. When you ask this question, the main point is to ensure that the consultant company you hire will always keep you in the loop as long as they handle your advertising campaign. You would want to be sure about data points like number of clicks, total ad spend, click through rate and the total number of conversions. You may even ask them to tell you the cost-per-acquisition for your ad campaign so as to let you determine the ROI of your campaigns.

Question #3: How will you handle the updates to my website?

A perfectly optimized campaign is just half the battle with AdWords. A company is also in dire need of a website which is optimized for converting the traffic into leads. This comprises of making profitable adjustments to the website and creating landing pages in correspondence to the ads in the campaign. Make sure you’re clear about how these website updates are handled.

Question #4: What is the cost of your service and why?

Don’t ever opt for the lowest bidder as you should expect worthy results from professional services. Be willing to pay for expert services. The quote that you’re given by the consultant should be categorized into a list of features so that you have a clear idea of what you may expect in lieu of your fee. Also make sure their quote is based on their past performance and experience on similar assignments.

So, if you come across any shady AdWords professionals, be smart enough to spot them soon. Don’t hire someone before getting the desired answers to the above mentioned questions.

Top Tips for Pay Per Click

If you are trying to get your website listed, it may feel like it takes forever. Luckily, you can use pay per click (PPC) advertising to make everything go a little bit quicker. With good PPC management services, you can have a campaign set up that doesn’t just get you more traffic, but that, in so doing, actually pays for itself!

How to Set Up a Campaign

The best thing to do is work with a PPC management company to set up your campaign. However, should that not be possible, perhaps because you don’t have a large enough budget yet, there are a few things you can do yourself. Setting up your campaign involves:

  1. Researching a keyword list, making one as big as possible but that only includes keywords that are actually relevant to you.
  2. Make themed groups for those keywords and keyword phrases. These groups are known as ‘ad groups’ and will really help you to get more out of your campaign.
  3. Make sure your ads contain the keyword in the headline, and make a minimum of two ads in each group that are essentially the same, changing a single thing in either the ad text or the headline.
  4. Use a dynamic keyword insertion to target your URL. This helps to increase your overall quality scores.
  5. Always include conversion tracking, so that you can see which ads work and which ones don’t.

Managing Your PPC Campaign

  1. First use exact match keywords. Only spend a little bit. This shows you which keywords work best.
  2. Have a negative keyword list, which means the advertiser will NOT show your ads for certain keywords. This is really useful to make sure you don’t pay for irrelevant traffic.
  3. Tweak how much you want to pay for the ads, so that you spend more on the ones that get you the most hits.
  4. Split test your ads by showing them evenly. Once you have more than 100 impressions, you pick the ad that works best and discard the others – or invest less in them if they also work well.
  5. Pause keywords that don’t get clicks after at least 1,000 impressions. Keeping poor keywords live will impact badly on your campaign.

The most important thing is that you keep doing your research. Some people find that PPC is like a natural extension of their regular work, others struggle significantly with it. Either way, it is a significant amount of work, even if you find it very easy. Hence, once your campaign starts paying for itself, or once your business gets off the ground and you have a bit more budget available, it is better to hire a company to manage things for you. They are professional and will spend all their attention on your keywords, making them work for you, and effectively giving you a return on investment.

Once your keywords work in order to improve your rankings and get you traffic, you need to start using them to monetize. This is even more complex, as you will have to calculate at which point you will actually make a profit.

The unique qualities to look for in an SEO company before hiring it

Amidst the abundance of disreputable and spam companies which are circulating online, it can be an intimidating and frustrating experience to search for the perfect SEO company. SEO is indeed a long term investment and it has the power to either make or break your online image. SEO is a long term investment and if you do it the wrong way it can create enough harm to your online company. Hence, with your due diligence, you have to select the right company which can handle your SEO. There are some vital things to check out before choosing an SEO company who can work for your online business. Let’s have a look at them.

  1. Company should give you realistic offers: Although this may sound too good to be true but it is probably true. You should always look for those companies that promise to offer you realistic results and those that don’t use guarantees. SEO is nothing but an ongoing process and not even some influential can offer you the guarantee of 100% result as the search algorithms are entirely under Google’s control. So, if you find the company representative offering you overnight rankings, it should raise an immediate red flag in your mind. Beware of such companies.
  2. Company should be experienced: It is indeed a very good idea to watch out for a company which has been in business for a long time now. The length of time throughout which the company has been running indicates their level of experience. Those companies who have serviced too many clients usually have experience among multiple industries and they know what works and what doesn’t.
  3. Go through the company’s case studies: If you’re opting for the good SEO companies, they should have case studies ready for the prospective clients to check out. It is through the case studies that you can get a highlight of their work as they offer you concrete instances of their performance. So, make sure you go through such case studies in order to get a clear idea.
  4. Check the certifications of the company: Although there might not be some particular SEO certification, there are some other standard certifications which most of the legitimate agencies hold for PPC and Analytics. Bing, Yahoo and Google all have their certifications for PPC and those companies which hold such certifications can be trusted and are reliable.
  5. Companies that practice white hat SEO: Ask the SEO agencies the kind of strategies that they use and ask them to explain it to you in terms which you will understand. The companies which are ethical won’t have any big problem in disclosing it but those that are not will have issues in revealing their tactics and strategies.

Therefore, when you’re in the market to hire an SEO company, look for one that offers good SEO packages. Keep in mind the above mentioned tips before choosing the company for your online business.

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