Tax Audit Reviews: A Guide on Independent Tax Audit Representation

If you’re like many taxpayers, you’ll never hear from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) personally. Then again, you may easily become the target of an IRS audit when you least expect it. If you find yourself facing a tax audit, one of the smartest moves you can make is to pursue independent tax audit representation. Here is a glimpse at what this type of audit representation involves.

When you filed your taxes, you may have assumed that you would never be audited. As a result, you might have turned down the opportunity to purchase pre-paid tax audit representation, which would have allowed your tax professional to defend you during your current audit. However, all is not lost. Why? Because an audit defense company can still provide you with the representation you need during your current audit.

According to current tax audit reviews, you can expect your independent tax audit representation provider to evaluate your audit letter from the IRS and then discuss with you its recommendations regarding how to move forward during the audit. Then, the company will take a look at your audit-related documents before the government has a chance to see it.

Next, the company you choose to represent you will attend all of your audit appointments for you and defend your return vigorously. The company may even prepare a request for an appeals conference or a federal tax court petition if necessary. All in all, the company’s ultimate aim is to minimize the tax audit’s financial impact on you, according to the latest audit defense reviews.

Independent audit representation is especially invaluable for business owners. That’s because audits involving business owners can easily cost money and time—two resources that business owners simply can’t afford to give up. With the right assistance, you can get through any tax audit with confidence either now or in the years ahead.

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