Top Jobs in Banking and Finance For You To Consider

If you love nothing more than getting stuck in to a good formal or high frequency equation or the buzz of global financial markets is what gets you going then you should opt for a career in finance. The financial world offers a multitude of jobs across many different formats and regardless of what your particular skills are, there is sure to be a job for you in the financial machine should you want it.

In order to attain the majority of jobs within the financial sector you will need to have qualifications which pertain to your chosen job as well as having high levels of math qualifications. If you think that a job in finance and banking is for you then here are some careers that you could choose from.

Financial Advisor

In the role of financial advisor you will be working with individuals and businesses in helping them to better manage their money. You could work for yourself in this capacity or work for great companies like Wells & Fargo or Springer Financial advisors in helping both your company and your clients, make better financial decisions. In order to succeed in this role you will need to be driven, knowledgeable, confident and have great communication skills. The salary for this kind of job can vary greatly depending on where you work and for who, that being said, you most certainly are not going to be on the breadline!


If you are someone who loves finance and has a great eye for detail then you could embark upon a career as an auditor, hated by many but absolutely necessary in the World of finance. As the result of years of cowboy-like behavior by some, the role of the auditor has never been as important as it is now. You will go into banks and financial institutions and ensure that they are doing everything above board. In this role you will be reading and processing a great deal of information and looking for discrepancies or unusual patterns in the way that business is being done. This is a role which could see you travel far and wide as lots of financial institutions use neutral auditors to ensure that there is no foul play.

Tax Accountant

Every single company on the planet should be legally paying their taxes and as such they will often seek professional taxation advice to ensure that they are not only paying the amount that they should be paying, but also that they are avoiding paying unnecessary tax. Within this role you will need to know the laws around company taxation like the back of your hand so that you can properly advise and help your client. To gain this job you will have to be great with numbers and to study hard in order to pass your tax exams which work in three levels. This is a job that will pay very well and such is the nature of taxes legality, you are sure to always be in work.

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