Understanding CFD trading ETX capital

CFD Trading opportunities can be explored in a really big world – and ETX Capital enables you to explore it to the complete. With huge number of CFDs available, you can widen your trading horizons with ETX Capital. CFD markets available to trade include;

Metals – Gold, Silver, Palladium, Platinum and Copper
Energy – Brent Crude, Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Nymex Crude and RBOB Gasoline
Soft Commodities – Corn, Cotton, Oats, Orange Juice, Coffee, Soybeans, Cocoa, Sugar and Wheat 

Trade individual CFD stocks from 18 different European countries, as well as the US, Australia, South Africa and Singapore. ETX offers more than 50 different currency pairs to trade, from EUR/USD to USD/ZAR.


  • CFD Trading Format – Clients have varied trading styles and requirements, ETX Capital offers three different trading platforms to suit those different needs. ETX TraderPro, ETX MT4 and ETX Binary all offer distinct benefits, with two of these – TraderPro and MT4 – providing CFD trading.

  • Mobile CFD Trading – ETX Capital provides easy to use mobile apps for iPad, iPhone and Android devices, allowing you to trade wherever you are. Maximise your access to the CFD markets with ETX’s Mobile Trading capability.

  • Competitive Spreads – When it comes to CFDs, traders are looking for the narrowest possible difference between buy and sell prices. ETX Capital offers a wide range of competitive spreads for its CFD trading products.

CFD trading tips:

  • KEEP YOURSELF INFORMED :There’s no guarantee that a particular news item will affect a market in a specific way, but being aware of what’s going on the financial world – and indeed, the world in general – may help you avoid basic trading errors. For instance, when the Yen is weak against the Dollar, it often boosts Japanese exporters, sending the Nikkei Index higher. Making sure that you’re up to date with global news – not just financial news, but geopolitical news as well – may prevent you from making ill-advised decisions based on a lack of knowledge.
  • LOOK AT PRE-MARKET TRADING : Before the official opening of daily stock exchanges, non-official pre-market trading takes place. Such trading often gives an indication of the rough level that a stock market may open, allowing you to anticipate market movement and create a stop order to open should the asset in question appreciate or depreciate by a certain amount.
  • BEWARE OF ‘GROUND FLOORS’: It’s not an uncommon situation; a stock plunges in value – for any one of a multitude of different reasons. There can then be a temptation for investors to ‘get in on the ground floor’, buying the stock at a low level and subsequently profiting when the stock price rebounds. The problem with this is that there’s no guarantee that the stock will end up rebounding – just as there’s no guarantee that the level that the stock was purchased at really is the ‘ground floor.’
  • CALMNESS AND DELIBERATION : Every trader loses money on a trade at some point, but that doesn’t make the experience any less upsetting. Trading in a heightened emotional state can potentially lead to making rash decisions and taking risky positions in an attempt to recover money. If you feel that you may not be in the right mindset to trade in a calm fashion, you might want to consider taking a break from trading until you feel ready to resume.
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