Having fleet fuel cards is the newest way you can easily manage your fleet. Gone are the days when you need to manually account receipts and compute the amount you need to reimburse to your employees. With this system, you gain control of your fleet’s expenses you never knew you could have.
If you haven’t heard of fleet fuel cards yet, then chances are your company is losing money on the traditional fleet fuel system.
Fleet fuel cards offer lots of perks and benefits for both you and your employees. But before indulging into the details on what it can do for your company, you should first know what fleet fuel cards are.
What are fleet fuel cards?
Fleet fuel card, such as that offered by Motorpass, is a type of card issued to your fleet employees, particularly drivers, to use for purchasing fuel and other fleet-related transactions. They are available in many different forms, from brand-exclusive to nationwide fuel coverage.
They also vary in who may use them, and what vehicles can they use them for, from driver-specific cards, to vehicle-specific cards, or if you want, you can have both.
Fleet fuel card also includes automated systems designed to provide information on your fleet’s activities, expenses, and efficiency.
What can it do for my company?
A fleet fuel card can bring a lot of advantages, not only to the company itself, but also to fleet managers, drivers, and the back office. Through a fleet fuel card system:
Fleet managers/administrators could monitor and control real-time transactions through online fleet management tools. They are provided with state-of-the-art management software that they can use to manage fleet’s expenses. They would also get access to each driver’s transactions and other important information, which means they could account off-road fuel purchases and costs. They would get fuel efficiency reports, which they can use to improve the inefficient use of fuel.
Your fleet drivers don’t have to pay for company fuel out of their own pocket. On top of that, since most fleet card companies offer nationwide coverage, they wouldn’t have to track a specific fuel station. They also don’t have to find the fuel station offering the lowest cost as fleet card companies like Motorpass partnered with fuel stations to give discounts to their fleet fuel card users. Fleet fuel cards are also very simple to use, so implementing them to your company requires little to no training at all.
Back office support also benefits from a fleet fuel card system as they no longer have to manually track fuel receipts as the system already do this for them. They also no longer have to interpret the data as easy-to-read reports are automatically generated. All of these benefits also reduce time spent by the back office on manually generating all of these information, thus increasing their efficiency.
Implementing a fleet fuel card system in your company should be considered an investment that continues to give back. With all of the benefits it could add to your company, it’s more of a cost reduction than an additional expense.