What a New York Divorce Attorney Can Do for You

Having great legal representation is crucial when you are going to be enduring a divorce. A divorce attorney in the state of New York can help you to protect all of the valuable assets that you have spent your entire life accumulating. He or she can also help you get the desired custody of your children so that you are not deprived of seeing your kids grow up. Divorce laws can be very tricky in New York. This is why you need an attorney to help you navigate all of the complex laws that the state has in place where divorce is concerned. Here are some of the things that your New York divorce attorney will be able to help you with. 

1. Your New York divorce attorney can develop an effective strategy to shield most or all of your assets from your spouse. 

Your spouse might be preparing to drag you through a very messy divorce. If this is the case, it is critical that you are prepared for any possible legal maneuvers that your spouse might try in an attempt to get your assets. This means that your divorce attorney must lay out a very carefully conceived strategy that will enable you to keep most or all of your most valuable assets. This often takes a great deal of attention to detail. Even the slightest mistake in your attorney’s legal strategy could create a loophole than allows your spouse to be awarded some valuable assets. This is why you need to hire a very experienced attorney who knows all of the specifics regarding divorce law in the state of New York. Tully Rinckey has handled countless divorce cases with extreme professionalism. Rinckey protects the assets of their clients and gets them a fair settlement. 

2. A case can be made by your attorney regarding why you should be granted sole or primary custody of your children.

Families are frequently torn apart by divorce. Obviously, these situations are most difficult for the children. In many cases, the children are too young to understand what exactly is happening. There are also unfortunate situations where the children are dragged into the proceedings. A skilled divorce attorney can devise a way to make the court understand that you are more fit to be the sole or primary parent in the child’s life without forcing the child to make testimony against one of his or her parents. 

3. Your divorce attorney will clearly explain all of the legal options that are available to you.

Your divorce might be particularly complicated. This will require you to make many decisions along the way. An experienced New York divorce attorney will carefully explain each of your options so you have a complete understanding of everything. He or she will then give you valuable advice regarding the options that are in your best interests financially. This will allow you to make a more educated decision that could potentially save you a large amount of money.

4. Your attorney will tell you if it is in your best interests to fight or settle.

You might be tempted to continue fighting your spouse for various assets. However, your attorney will be honest with you and let you know if fighting is worthwhile. You might be better off settling.

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